Wind GloryWindGlory
Genre Type: F2P MMORPG Platform Accessibility: Web Browser Development By: Proficient City Set in a magical fantasy land Wind Glory is a battle amongst the skies where the forces of good are in a bloody conflict against the combined armies of both Demons, Dragons and the cursed denizens as ruled by the Skeleton King. The realm is in peril and only the hope of the prophesied human that can wield the Soulstone amulet stops the world plummeting into darkness and despair, for it is they who shall banish the evil forever. The game is a free to play strategy based MMO RPG that players can access directly through their Internet browser, lacking the need for a client download, where the aim is to create the strongest and most powerful hero you can. Equip your character with a variety of different weapons, armour, spells, abilities and even hired mercenaries to make them a force to be reckoned with. With numerous elements of PVE and PVP in the game offers something for everybody and can be played casually as a pick up and play game or by more hard-core gamers wishing to make their way to the top. There are three available classes that a player is able to pick from. Firstly the Thunder Warrior, a well-armed and physically strong melee combatant their bravery and ferocious nurse in battle is only matched by their defensive prowess and ability to take damage in combat. The Amazon Archer is capable of dealing high amounts of critical damage using their keen eyes and marksman techniques as well as having a high capacity to invade enemy attacks. The Kirin Tor Wizards are formidable battle wizards, studying the arcane arts to all of the secrets to wielding its power and are able to use them magic for both offensive and defensive spells. Currencies and resources play a vital role within the game, players will travel to many places and be rewarded with the various currencies in which to spend on upgrades, unique items and even skills. Depending on the area a player is adventuring in and the activities they are performing they will gain different resource currencies, everything from fighting Demons in the Hell Gate to earn Hell Coins that can be traded for Mount Shards in the Hell Shop, these shards are the remnants of the mounts that had fallen in battle and have since suffered torment in the depths of hell. Similarly players can engage in various PVP activities from Solo Arena fights to team based 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 battles to earn Medals and Merits, which can be used to buy gear from the Arena Shop and also earn new skills using the Scholar’s Book to unlock new combat techniques. Players are able to form up their own Guilds or join a previously created one where they can work together with other players to tackle more difficult challenges as well as earning Guild bonuses and competing against other Guilds in the Guild battles. Wind Glory screenshot: ![]() |