The Pride of TaernThe Pride of Taern deals with the history of Taern, a nation that fell victim to the invasion of a hostile empire - the Empire of Utor. The citizens of Taern left their homeland in panic and began a journey into the unknown. They reached the Empire of Haligard and that's where the proper game begins. The Pride of Taern is a dynamic browser MMO that uses isometric prospective: the game world, expanded continuously, encompasses a couple of vast regions, two cities and miles of dungeons, and 160 areas in all. Circa 200 different monsters inhabit the game world - from city guards to vile beasts that thirst for Taernian blood. You can meet around five hundred NPC - refugees from Taern, wanderers, members of Taern resistance movement, characters less or more fantastical (magic tree, undead knight, licentious nymph).
The game has an innovative combat system that requires tactical thinking: a smart player can beat opponents more powerful and leveled than him, and a complex tournament system allows players to fight against everyone else on the server. Every class has a unique set of abilities and each class's playstyle is completely different. Even 1 vs 1 combat allows you to use a variety of tactics, not to mention team fights where the number of combinations is infinite. Numerous quests allow players to unwrap the main storyline while sidequests let them immerse themselves in the game world and better identify with their characters. Each quest has many endings that change how the NPCs perceive the player (good or evil). There is a system of raids against dreadful monsters that can only be beaten by a strong, coordinated party. In addition the AI (unique among MMOs) allows monsters to cooperate during combat. Players can wage wars, negotiate alliances, there's a guild chat, forum and rankings. Players do not have to wander about the world, but can have their own "cities" - places they can develop themselves (a sort of headquarters). This allows for a whole new level of teamplay. The guild system connects players in a completely new way by promoting new game strategies, encouraging cooperation and integrating the community. The game is free, but players that do not have as much time can boost their gaming experience by buying an additional currency - platinum. Platinum can be used to decrease the cost of items, extend the character appearance creator and obtain premium account. Using the paid options increases the comfort of the game, enriches the gameplay with additional elements, but does not shatter the balance. As a result, paying players do not gain too great an advantage over non-paying players. The Pride of Taern screenshot: ![]() |