Generals of WarGenerals of War
Genre Type: F2P Strategy MMO Platform Accessibility: Web Browser Development By: Playzo GmbH Generals of War is a browser-based strategy MMO where players must build up their own military headquarters and forces during World War I in an exciting strategy based, resource management and PVP focused game. Generals of War is a completely free to play MMO and has a variety of premium options using the Diamonds in game premium resource. As a general it is your duty to take charge of your men, lead them into battle and find victory and glory against your rivals and enemies using trade, diplomacy and war to further your cause. A successful empire is built on the back of resources, in Generals of War there are six basic raw materials that each General will have to acquire, either through trade, diplomacy or conquest: Money, Ammunitions, Gold, Oil, Diesel and Gasoline. These six resources are required for every task within the game, from researching new technologies, constructing buildings within your headquarters or training up units and mobilising them into battle; without a steady supply of resources it is only a matter of time before a General will be waving their white flag in surrender. Once a player has constructed a University at their headquarters and they will be able to explore new research pacts, which will give them access to a wide variety of different units, everything from Infantry, Aviation, Tanks and more. Researching costs Money, and indispensable resource, and takes an amount of time depending upon which unit is being researched; once researched players will have to construct the appropriate building (Barracks, Arms Factory, etc.) to build a unit, which has an initial resource cost as well as an ongoing resource consumption when it is used. Both the construction of buildings and units takes up resources and time, more high-level units and building upgrades can take hours and even days to complete. Players can purchase Diamonds using real money to speed up the process of their construction queue as well as using them to buy needed resources. A well-balanced army is required to be successful in battle, each unit having its own attack and defence values which come into play when it is used making some units exceptional at being used aggressively in an attack weaker at defending and vice versa. Combat is resolved off the culmination of the attacking and defending armies values, combining overall attack and defence as well as the number of units involved in each force. Battle is the primary focus of the game and players can either choose to fight solo or look to creating or entering an Alliance with other players. Alliances help support players by building up their own headquarters much quicker, resources are saved and can be shared as needed, players can coordinate attacks more easily and fight as one larger force as well as identifying and attack on one of the Alliance members which can be defended. Whilst being in an Alliance has many benefits it also brings the attention of other rival Alliances onto the player as these larger groups continuously fight each other for domination and supremacy. Generals of War screenshot: ![]() |